Elegant erotica

Do you want free, exclusive erotica direct to your inbox?

You find yourself seeking quiet moments of tantalising immersion. You want stories that satisfy in more than one way; you want words that kiss your mind, and worlds to ache for.

More than anything, you want to feel the deepest corners of yourself touched by something beautiful.

Join my list of treasured readers and receive new exclusive short stories direct to the cosy privacy of your inbox weekly! For free!

These aren’t just any stories you’ll be getting; they’re lovingly written with a focus on exquisite literature and feminist ideals.

Why am I doing this?

Searching for just the right kind of erotica frequently ends in frustration! All too often I find stories rife with sexist themes, poorly rendered plots and characters, and language that turns me off.

If you’re anything like me, you want romantic erotica that pushes all the right buttons without skimping on quality, or resorting to degrading language.

You’ve come to the right place!

Each week you’ll receive a brand new story direct to your inbox.

I promise I won’t send you anything I wouldn’t love myself! If you’d like to know more about the principles which underpin my work, have a quick read through my manifesto.

I look forward to having you on my list! Have an exquisite week!

xx Daphne

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